Submission of Workshop Papers (Download PDF )
For its 20th year edition, the IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC) 2019, returns to the country that saw its birth, France. Held in Cannes, in the heart of the world renown “French Riviera” (Côte d’Azur in French), the SPAWC 2019 will exhibit a technical program complete with high profile plenaries, invited and contributed papers, all appearing under IEEE Xplore. A flagship workshop of the IEEE SP Society SPCOM technical committee, SPAWC 2019 will combine cutting edge research in the fields of signal processing, statistical learning, communication theory, wireless networking and more, together with an exciting social program on the glamorous and sunny Riviera.
SPAWC 2019 invites original contributions in the following (but not limited to) areas:
- x-MIMO systems (massive-, multi user-, network- etc.)
- Machine learning for wireless
- Cooperative communication
- Resource allocation
- Convex and non-convex optimization
- Game theory for wireless
- Sparse signal processing for wireless
- Millimeter wave communications
- Full duplex systems
- Cognitive radio and networks
- Cooperative, compressed, and sparse sensing
- Machine-to-machine, device-to-device communications
- Modeling, estimation and equalization of wireless channels
- Acquisition, synchronization, localization and tracking
- Signal processing for optical, satellite, and underwater communications
- Energy efficiency and energy harvesting
- Distributed signal processing
- Uncoordinated access
- Internet of things (including vehicles)
- Cache-aided communication
- Physical-layer security
- Broadband, ultra reliable, and low latency solutions for 5G and beyond
- Experimental setups
All invited and regular papers, with up to 5 pages of technical content (including references), will be published through IEEE Xplore. Papers will be submitted via EDAS.