Special Sessions

The program for SPAWC 2019 will include Special Sessions that complement the regular program with new and emerging topics of interest to the signal-processing community, particularly those that are in line with the theme of the conference. The aim of a special session is to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art as well as to highlight current research directions and challenges in specific fields of signal processing.

Submission of Special Session Proposals

To submit a special session proposal, please prepare a document (PDF, plain text, or Word) with the following information and e-mail it to the Special Sessions Chairs, Profs. Antti Tölli and Bruno Clerckx, by December 4, 2018. Prior to submitting your special session proposal, please invite and confirm the participation of each participant and solicit a tentative paper title for each paper in the special session. Each special session is expected to have between 5 and 7 papers. All papers will be presented in poster format. Only a maximum of three organizers per Special Session is allowed, and each organizer may not contribute more than one paper.

Notification of acceptance is by December 28, 2018. If your proposal is accepted, your speakers will be required to submit the final papers to EDAS by February 19, 2019.

Organizer Information

  • Names of all special session organizers

  • Email addresses of all special session organizers

  • Brief biography of all special session organizers in IEEE format

Session Information

  • Tentative session title

  • Summary of the special session topic

  • Motivation and rationale of the special session with a discussion on the key issues of the special session, what makes the special session topic timely and state-of-the-art, and any special, unique, or distinctive features of the special session

Invited Paper Information

For each invited paper in the special session (5-7 papers total), please provide:

  • Tentative paper title (and a short abstract)

  • List of authors

Additional Information

Please feel free to provide any additional information that you think may be helpful for the conference organizing committee to evaluate the special session proposal.